Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Note On The Corporate Machine

Welcome, readers. I've spent most of my three-plus years as a blogger dedicated to the mundane support of my favorite sports teams. The escapism it provides feeds my passions while shielding me from the harsh realities of life in the 21st Century. With "The Anti-Corporatist", I will attempt to explore modern politics and economics.

How many of us can truly appreciate how horribly the new Millennium has started? To paraphrase the tag line from Tom Friedman's overrated opus, "The World Is Flat"; I will attempt a brief history:

  • The subversion of our democracy by the Supreme Court of the United States during the 2000 election
  • The attacks of September 11
  • The immoral invasion of Iraq
  • The cost of Crude Oil has more than quadrupled since the eve of the Iraq War ($110 vs. $24)
  • 4000 soldiers dead, 30,000 wounded and counting
  • Hurricane Katrina
  • The dismantling of the free press into corporate profit centers
  • The ironically named "Patriot Act" (every founding father would have been against it. If you don't believe me, read some Ben Franklin).
  • A Global Climate Crisis that our President refuses to admit exists.

Seriously, could you imagine a worse President at this time in our history? George W. Bush is on the wrong side of every issue! When we needed serious leadership on the environment; his first action as President was to back out of the Kyoto Treaty on Climate Change.

For an encore, he bull-rushed the Middle East in the aftermath of 9/11, when nuance was of utmost importance.

When the history is written about our time (that is if the Earth remains inhabitable for the long!); the polarity of Bush's decisions with what, in hindsight, turned out to be the correct course will prove mystifying. After all, if he Bush had simply used a coin-flip to help him make the tough decisions, he would have been right half the time. Instead, Bush was wrong every time. W is like a gambler on an eight-year cold streak; except WE are the losers.

But, this is not a blog about him.

For make no mistake, we are fighting in Iraq to preserve the corporate profits of those who support Bush the most: Exxon, Chevron, and Halliburton. These free-market Friedmanites, who decry government intervention when it comes to helping out the world's poorest; are often the first in line when the Federal Government is doling out no-bid contracts (er, corporate welfare).

The climate is not killing off species and melting the ice caps because we are addicted to oil. We have a climate crisis because American corporations are addicted to oil profits. There are solutions, available today, for sustainable and renewable energy.

With this blog, I will try to explore these issues and expose the those who choose greed over honest profit.

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